MassivelyOp Readers Hate Lord British's Blood ★ Shroud Of The Avatar
MassivelyOp Readers Hate Lord British's Blood ★ Shroud Of The Avatar
Hey guys! I just finished reading MassivelyOp's latest story about Shroud of the Avatar and, boy, its readers were not happy with Shroud of the Avatar.The story was about Shroud of the Avatar' latest funding efforts where you can get a reliquary with Richard Garriott's blood in it.
Unfortunately, the readers of MassivelyOp did not like it nor did they like Richard Garriott in general. In fact, some, if not most, of the comments were really negative.
Honestly, I think it was a very interesting idea because these guys are literally selling their own blood just to get their game, Shroud of the Avatar, made.
Besides, the reliquary was just part of a bundle that includes a ton of digital items like the Blood Fountain, Blood Reliquary Home Decoration, Blood Elemental Pet, Blood Red Lord British Cloak and a whole lot more.
The blood reliquaries were listed in eBay but, unfortunately, they were all taken down. I'm not sure if people flagged it or if it was taken down by Shroud of the Avatar.
In any case, if you guys are interested in checking these blood reliquaries or at least the bundles then you can find them at
So, are blood reliquaries something you will buy from Shroud of the Avatar? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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