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Breaking News Tutorial ★ How To Add YouTube Live Stream In Tutorial ★ How To Add YouTube Live Stream In Tutorial ★ How To Add YouTube Live Stream In

Hey guys! Welcome back! My name is Kabalyero and, last time, I showed you guys how to add in This time I'm going to show you how to add your YouTube Live Stream..

Since this is my third Tutorial, I'm going to assume that you guys already have a free account. Of course, if you still don't have one then please create one right now.

As always, the first thing you need to do is login to your account and you can do that by going to's website and logging in using your e-mail and password.

login to your account

Now, in your Dashboard, specially for those who were at the last Tutorial, you'll find  or Twitch under list of Channels. Dashboard

To add a new channel like your YouTube Live Stream, simply click on the Add Channel link found at the right corner of the list of Channels.

This will open a page or window that shows all the available services supported by and two of those supported services are YouTube Events and YouTube Stream Now.

supported services are YouTube Events and YouTube Stream Now

For this Tutorial, we are going to select YouTube Stream Now by simply clicking on it to open Step 2 of the process where you can choose to either connect automatically to YouTube or Setup Manually.

connect automatically to YouTube or Setup Manually

Obviously the easiest way is to automatically connect to YouTube by clicking on the red Connect YouTube Stream Now button. This will take you to a page where you'll be asked to login to your Google Account.

login to your Google Account

After logging in to your Google Account, you will be asked in the next page to choose the YouTube account you want to connect to

In the next page, you will be asked by Google to either allow or deny from acceess your YouTube account.

allow or deny from acceess your YouTube account

Clicking on the Allow button will immediately take you back to your Dashboard and you'll find YouTube Stream Now added in your list of available Channels. Dashboard

As you can see, adding a new channel like YouTube Steam Now is as easy as picking your nose. To add more channels to your account, just go through the same process but, next time, choose a different service.

So guys, have you guys already added your YouTube Live Stream in Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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