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Kojima Production's Death Stranding ★ Seriously, What Is The Game About?

Kojima Production's Death Stranding ★ Seriously, What Is The Game About?

Hey guys! Today, I spent a few hours watching Sony's E3 Conference Live and one of the games I was looking forward to see was the one from Kojima Production but, after seeing the trailer a few times, I still don't know what the game was about.

Kojima Production's Death Stranding ★ Seriously, What Is The Game About?

The name of Kojima Production's game is Death Stranding and, as far as the trailer goes, it just showed a naked Walking Dead guy on a beach with dead animals and with five floating figures above him.

The trailer was over 3 minutes long and it was 3 minutes of nothing. I was expecting to see some gameplay but the only gameplaying that happened was me playing with the mouse buttons.

Seriously guys, what the freaking hell is this game about? Yes, I know it was only a trailer but a trailer should at least give us something that would make us understand and get excited about the game.

Unfortunately, this Dead Stranding trailer did not make me excited for the game but it did annoy me because I had to watch the trailer a few times only to find nothing.

So guys, for those who are still watching this video, what do you think of the Dead Stranding trailer by Kojima Production? Share your thoughts as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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