Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Keys Giveaway
Riders Of Icarus looks really amazing. If you want a Close Beta Key for this cool looking MMORPG then you know what to do.
Hey guys, welcome back! My name is Kabalyero and I got myself a few extra Close Beta Keys for cool looking game called Riders Of Icarus and, as always, I'm giving them away to you guys.
Riders Of Icarus is a new action-adventure MMORPG and it's going to be published in North America by Nexon. Unfortunately, I won't be able to try out this game because my country is blocked from the game.
In any case, I'm just going to giveaway my Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Keys to you guys. To get one, just follow the instructions in the giveaway widget below.
Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Keys Giveaway
Now guys, before you get a Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Key, I suggest you first check if your country is not blocked by Nexon of America from playing the game.
If you're country is blocked then just giveaway your Close Beta Key to your friends who are in countries that are not blocked by Nexon of America from playing the game.
Anyway, you can redeem or activate your Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Key from Nexon's Launcher. So create a Nexon account (if you don't have one) and download and install Nexon's Launcher.
The Close Beta will run until April 28, 2016 and that means you have more than enough time to download, play and enjoy the game.
So guys, if you have any comments, questions or reactions about this video then please post them in the comments section below.
Hey guys, welcome back! My name is Kabalyero and I got myself a few extra Close Beta Keys for cool looking game called Riders Of Icarus and, as always, I'm giving them away to you guys.
Riders Of Icarus is a new action-adventure MMORPG and it's going to be published in North America by Nexon. Unfortunately, I won't be able to try out this game because my country is blocked from the game.
In any case, I'm just going to giveaway my Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Keys to you guys. To get one, just follow the instructions in the giveaway widget below.
Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Keys Giveaway
Now guys, before you get a Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Key, I suggest you first check if your country is not blocked by Nexon of America from playing the game.
If you're country is blocked then just giveaway your Close Beta Key to your friends who are in countries that are not blocked by Nexon of America from playing the game.
Anyway, you can redeem or activate your Riders Of Icarus Close Beta Key from Nexon's Launcher. So create a Nexon account (if you don't have one) and download and install Nexon's Launcher.
The Close Beta will run until April 28, 2016 and that means you have more than enough time to download, play and enjoy the game.
So guys, if you have any comments, questions or reactions about this video then please post them in the comments section below.
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