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Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.8.2016 ★ Died In Dungeon 1 In Dungeon Souls

Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.8.2016 - my character died in Dungeon 1 of Dungeon Souls after getting hit by a big ball of rock, twice.

Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.8.2016 ★ Died In Dungeon 1 In Dungeon Souls

In my latest gameplay of Dungeon Souls that lasted for about 5 minutes, I am sad to say that my character died in Dungeon 1 after getting hit by a big ball of rock, not once but twice.

The character I chose was the Barbarian because I like how he looks and he swings a really big axe. Besides, I always play as a melee character.

To complete the dungeon, all I had to do was activate 5 marks and I did but, unfortunately, my character died right after activating the last mark.

He died because he was hit by a big ball of rock twice and that reduced his HP or health to almost nothing. There was nothing I could do to keep him alive because I was out of potions.

Unfortunately, dying once in Dungeon Souls means game over. Anyway, if you guys are interested in checking out Dungeon Souls then you can buy a copy from G2A or click here.

Watch my full gameplay video for this Dungeon Souls Gamer's Log below:

Watch my Gamer's Log in video format below:

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