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Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.11.2016 ★ Digging Rocks & Chopping Trees In Minetest (A Minecraft Clone)

Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.11.2016 - I spent my first time playing Minetest mostly by digging rocks and chopping down trees.

Gamer's Log, Game Date 3.11.2016 ★ Digging Rocks & Chopping Trees In Minetest (A Minecraft Clone)

In my latest gameplay video, I played a Minecraft clone called Minetest. It was my first time playing Minetest and I started by creating a new world which I called Survival World.

In this new world, what I did most is dig rocks and chop down trees. I used the wood from the chopped trees to make planks, sticks and various wooden tools.

Later, I upgraded my wooden tool to stone tools after digging some stones or cobblestones. I also crafted a few dyes from the flowers I gathered in the game.

Watch my gameplay video of Minitest where this Gamer's Log was based on below.

Anyway, unlike Minecraft, Minetest is a free game and if you are interested in playing Minetest then simply go to its website and download the game.

Now, if you are more interested in playing the real thing then I suggest you get or buy Minecraft instead.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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