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Got 9 Paid STEAM Games Free Through SEGA's Make War Not Love Event

I got 9 paid STEAM games for free through SEGA's Make War Not Love Event. How awesome is that?

Got 9 Paid STEAM Games Free Through SEGA's Make War Not Love Event

I don't buy a lot of paid games because I don't make a lot of money in and outside of YouTube. Any money I make goes to paying bills and food for the family.

The only time I get to buy paid games is when there are massive discounts offered on various bundles sites, STEAM Store and others.

That is why I love to join giveaways or events that giveaway paid games for free like SEGA's Make War Not Love Event.

At the end of this even, I got myself a total of 9 paid games for free in STEAM and they are Renegade Ops with two DLCs, Viking Battle for Asgard, Condemned Criminal Origins, Binary Domains, Hell Yeah with two DLCs, Jet Set Radio and 3 Classic Genesis Mega Drive games like Gunstar Heroes, Streets of Rage 2 and Golden Axe.

9 paid STEAM games and I got them by simply following the event. Yes, I did subscribe to SEGA's Newsletter but only because that was how they sent the STEAM keys for Prize 2 and Prize 3 of the Make War Not Love Event.

Honestly, I didn't purchase a single thing from SEGA. They didn't get any money from me but I still got 9 paid STEAM games for free from SEGA and that is freaking awesome.

What about you guys? Were you able to get all 9 paid games for free in STEAM?

That's it for this blog post and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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