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Grand Theft Auto 5 News ★ New GTA 5 Mod ★ Replaces Blimp With A Reaper From Mass Effect

New Grand Theft Auto 5 Mod replaces the Blimp with a Reaper from Mass Effect.

Grand Theft Auto 5 News ★ New GTA 5 Mod ★ Replaces Blimp With A Reaper From Mass Effect

Gamespot recently posted a story about a new Grand Theft Auto 5 Mod and Gamespot is calling it the Best Mod yet but is it really the Best Mod yet in Grand Theft Auto 5?

The new Grand Theft Auto 5 mod replaces the Blimp that flies over Los Santos with a huge, and I mean huge, Reaper from Mass Effect. It's not only huge, it also looks menacingly terrifying.

Now, is it the Best Mod yet in Grand Theft Auto 5? I'm not a Mass Effect fan so I wouldn't really call it the best mod yet. I think the Photo Realistic Graphics mod is better than this one but that's just me.

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