Small Channel Spotlight ★ DutchGameArmy, A Freedom Network Partner
Welcome to Small Channel Spotlight. Small Channel Spotlight is where I feature a small youtube channel like The Kabalyero Show so you guys can check it out and possibly give it some love.
My Small Channel Spotlight for today is on DutchGameArmy. DutchGameArmy is a small youtube gaming channel with mostly Minecraft Sky Wars and Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare gameplay videos.
I'm not really into Minecraft nor Call Of Duty but if you guys are then check out DutchGameArmy's YouTube Channel. Now, if you enjoyed watching the videos then give the channel some love by subscribing.
As a small youtube channel, DutchGameArmy is currently partnered with Freedom! Network. If you have a small youtube channel like DutchGameArmy and you want to become a YouTube Partner then I suggest that you join Freedom! Network.
Joining Freedom! Network is easy because the only real requirement in joining is a clear understanding of what copyright is. If you know what copyright is and you're not violating it in any of you videos then you'll have no problems getting accepted in Freedom! Network.
That's it for this blog post and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below.
Also, if you wish to receive updates when new blog posts are posted then don't forget to follow me in Twitter. You can also help me grow this blog by sharing it to your friends.
Thank you very much and see you in my next blog post.

My Small Channel Spotlight for today is on DutchGameArmy. DutchGameArmy is a small youtube gaming channel with mostly Minecraft Sky Wars and Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare gameplay videos.
I'm not really into Minecraft nor Call Of Duty but if you guys are then check out DutchGameArmy's YouTube Channel. Now, if you enjoyed watching the videos then give the channel some love by subscribing.
As a small youtube channel, DutchGameArmy is currently partnered with Freedom! Network. If you have a small youtube channel like DutchGameArmy and you want to become a YouTube Partner then I suggest that you join Freedom! Network.
Joining Freedom! Network is easy because the only real requirement in joining is a clear understanding of what copyright is. If you know what copyright is and you're not violating it in any of you videos then you'll have no problems getting accepted in Freedom! Network.
That's it for this blog post and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below.
Also, if you wish to receive updates when new blog posts are posted then don't forget to follow me in Twitter. You can also help me grow this blog by sharing it to your friends.
Thank you very much and see you in my next blog post.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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