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Twitter Follower Shoutout, @WillieMath

Twitter Follower Shoutout is where I give a shoutout to one of my Twitter Followers. So, here is my Twitter Follower Shoutout for today.

Twitter Follower Shoutout, @WillieMath

My Twitter Follower Shoutout for today goes to WillieMath. WillieMath is a Minecraft player and he plays on many PVP/Faction servers. He also loves Survival Games and Minigames.

As of this video, WillieMath is tweeting a lot about League Of Legends so I'm assuming that he is also a League Of Legends player.

So, if you are into Minecraft and League Of Legends then why not follow WillieMath in Twitter. The link to WillieMath's Twitter account is in the description of the video below. So, go and check him out.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

1 comment:

  1. Nice shoutout ! And great LoL Videos. I have a friend out there who is super amazing at the game. He wasn't always, he bought a guide book from when he first started playing with friends, now he does it competitively !


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