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Heroes Of The Storm Philippines Assemble, First Official Community Meetup

Heroes Of The Storm Philippines Assemble, first official community meetup for Blizzard Entertainment's new online brawler.

Hey guys, if you are in the Philippines and you are a Heroes Of The Storm player  then this event is for you. You are invited to attend the first official community meetup for Blizzard Entertainment's latest MOBA.

The event will be hosted by PlayPark Philippines, it will be held at Mineski Infinity located at Taft Avenue and it will happen on May 9, 2015 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

This event will give you a chance to meet with other Heroes Of The Storm players and it will also feature a friendly 5v5 scrim matches, a King Of The Hill Showdown, a Blizzard Merchandise Raffle and a Special Announcement.

Beta Keys will also be provided to players who are interested in playing the game before it's Open Beta release. Anyway, for more information, just visit the link in the description of the video below.

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