WTFast Has Adware And Viruses? WHAT???
WTFast has adware and viruses? What are you talking about?
Hey guys, I'm here today to talk about this crazy claim that WTFast has adware and viruses. You see, I was at the NA forum of League Of Legends and someone posted that WTFast has adware and viruses.
My reaction to that claim is this, What are you talking about?
Seriously, I've been using WTFast for a few years now and I can safely say that WTFast does not have adware nor viruses. Obviously, the person who posted that claim clearly didn't know what he was saying.
WTFast does not have adware nor viruses but a cracked version of WTFast might. My guess is, the person who posted and claimed that WTFast has adware and viruses downloaded and installed one of those cracked version of WTFast.
If that is the case then he only has himself to blame because cracked programs are known to carry all sorts of malicious things.
So, the moral of this story is this. WTFast doesn't have adware nor viruses but WTFast crack versions do. So, never ever download or install WTFast crack versions.
Hey guys, I'm here today to talk about this crazy claim that WTFast has adware and viruses. You see, I was at the NA forum of League Of Legends and someone posted that WTFast has adware and viruses.
My reaction to that claim is this, What are you talking about?
Seriously, I've been using WTFast for a few years now and I can safely say that WTFast does not have adware nor viruses. Obviously, the person who posted that claim clearly didn't know what he was saying.
WTFast does not have adware nor viruses but a cracked version of WTFast might. My guess is, the person who posted and claimed that WTFast has adware and viruses downloaded and installed one of those cracked version of WTFast.
If that is the case then he only has himself to blame because cracked programs are known to carry all sorts of malicious things.
So, the moral of this story is this. WTFast doesn't have adware nor viruses but WTFast crack versions do. So, never ever download or install WTFast crack versions.
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