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Star Wars Bundle, 3 Star Wars Games, For Only 1 Freaking Dollar, Humble Bundle

Star Wars Bundle, I just got 3 freaking Star Wars games for 1 freaking dollar.

Star Wars Bundle, 3 Star Wars Games, For Only 1 Freaking Dollar, Humble Bundle

First of all, I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan but I'm still a fan. Watched the original Trilogy as a kid and played a few Star Wars games in the old Nintendo Famicom and Super Famicom systems.

Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy any of those games but the Star Wars game that I really enjoyed playing was Star Wars: X-Wing.

Now, that was an amazing game and the cut scenes in that game were awesome. It was like watching a new Star Wars movie.

Anyway, I just want to tell you guys that I just got 3 freaking Star Wars Games for only 1 freaking dollar and I got from Humble Bundle.

Yes, it's called the Star Wars Bundle and you can pay what you want and you'll get 3 Star Wars Games and these Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Jedi Kight Jedi Academy and Star Wars Dark Forces.

Now, if you want to get more then just pay a little more and you'll get more Star Wars games. How much more? Well, you'll just have to check out the Star Wars Bundle in Humble Bundle to find out.

Click here to check out the Star Wars Bundle at Humble Bundle.

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