Battlefield Hardline, Open Beta, February 3 - 8, 2015
Battlefield Hardline Open Beta starts today, February 3 and it will end on Sunday, February 8, 2015.
Battlefield Hardline is the name of the next Battlefield game in the long list of Battlefield games that started in the early 2000.
I'm not really into Battlefield games but if any of you are looking forward to giving Battlefield Hardline a try then you can by playing in the Open Beta of the game.
Battlefield Hardline Open Beta is open to everyone. It started today, February 3, and it will end on Sunday, February 8, 2015.
Getting into the Open Beta of Battlefield Hardline is easy. Just download, install and launch the Origin desktop program, create or login to your Origin or EA account and find, download, install and play Battlefield Hardline.
The link to download the Origin desktop program is in the description of the video below or you can click here.
You can also Pre-Order Battlefield Hardline by clicking here.
Battlefield Hardline is the name of the next Battlefield game in the long list of Battlefield games that started in the early 2000.
I'm not really into Battlefield games but if any of you are looking forward to giving Battlefield Hardline a try then you can by playing in the Open Beta of the game.
Battlefield Hardline Open Beta is open to everyone. It started today, February 3, and it will end on Sunday, February 8, 2015.
Getting into the Open Beta of Battlefield Hardline is easy. Just download, install and launch the Origin desktop program, create or login to your Origin or EA account and find, download, install and play Battlefield Hardline.
The link to download the Origin desktop program is in the description of the video below or you can click here.
You can also Pre-Order Battlefield Hardline by clicking here.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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