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Indie MMORPG, Identity - A Modern Day Open World MMORPG

Identity is an Indie MMORPG and it's a modern day open world MMORPG by Asylum Entertainment.

Indie MMORPG, Identity - A Modern Day Open World MMORPG

If you guys are looking for a different kind of MMORPG that's not based on fantasy or sci-fi or whatnot and doesn't limit you to levels or skills then check out this Indie MMORPG called Identity.

It's a very different kind of MMORPG because it's like based on the real world and, if I understand it correctly from its Kickstarter video, there will be no NPCs in this game.

All facets of the world of Identity will be filled by actual human players. You can be anything or anyone who want to be in Identity.

Currently, this Indie MMORPG is running a Kickstarter campaign and it will need your support for it to reach its goal.

Check out Identity in Kickstarter by clicking the link in the description of the video below or you can just click here.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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