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Let's Play SMITE, Playing With Vulcan, Vulcan Changed

I can play SMITE without ever owning a God because the game offers players free Gods to use or play with but it's in rotation. That means, the Gods that are available for free changes often.

When I first played SMITE, Thor was in the free Gods rotation. I was able to use him a lot and, when he was taken out of the free Gods rotation, I had enough in-game currency to purchase him from the in-game store.

SMITE God Vulcan

Another God that I purchased with in-game currency was Vulcan. The last time I played Vulcan, he had two turrets and his Ultimate was really cool. Unfortunately, they changed him. He lost one of his turrets and his Ultimate kinda sucks now.

His old Ultimate powers up his turrets making them extremely powerful and bad ass. If placed and timed right then players can get multiple kills from it. His new Ultimate is still bad ass but it takes too long to fire. Making it almost useless in long distances.

I still like him though. I can still get a bunch of assists from using him but what I want to learn is how to get kills too. I do get a lot of assists but I only get very few kills when I'm using him. I've watched a lot of Vulcan videos in YouTube but I still can't figure out how to make him a killing machine. T_T

Anyway, check out the YouTube video below. It's just me playing SMITE and the God that I used was Vulcan.

The video is just part 1 of my SMITE Vulcan Let's Play video. Click the links below to watch Parts 2, 3 and 4.

Hope you guys enjoy watching me play the God Vulcan in SMITE. If you want to see more then please check out and subscribe to Kabalyero's Let's Play Videos in YouTube.

By the way, if you want to give SMITE a try then you can learn more about SMITE and create a new SMITE account by visiting the official SMITE website.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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