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Mercenary Online, Vengeance of the Arachnids Patch (March)

Hey guys! Kabalyero here and I've got an update about Mercenary Online. This coming March 14, 2014, the publisher of Mercenary Online here in the Philippines, Massive Gaming, will release a new patch called the Vengeance of the Arachnids.

This new Mercenary Online patch will feature a new map and four new guns for you guys to play with. The new map is the Vengeance of the Arachnids Map (New Biochemical Crisis Map) and the four new guns are the following:

ThermalTake MP7A1 - SMG


EAGLE QBSO9 - Shotgun

DSR-1 - Sniper Rifle

Here is the trailer for Mercenary Online's Vengeance of the Arachnid Patch. Just click on the link to view the trailer in Mercenary Online's official Facebook page,

The YouTube video below is simply an announcement about the new Vengeance Of The Arachnid patch that I created and uploaded to one of my YouTube channels, The Kabalyero Show.

Mercenary Online is a free-to-play multiplayer online third-person shooter published by Massive Gaming here in the Philippines. If you enjoy third-person shooters like APB: Reloaded and Warframe then why not give Mercenary Online a try.

To start playing Mercenary Online, simply go to Mercenary Online's official website where you can create a new free account and download the game.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

1 comment:

  1. you should put the trailer from Facebook in this post


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