
Eliminate Game Lag With WTFast!

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How To Use WTFast With Soldier Front 2

How to use WTFast with Soldier Front 2, this blog post will show you how to do just that.

How To Use WTFast With Soldier Front 2

Guys, if you are lagging in Soldier Front 2 and you are willing to give WTFast a try then here is how you use WTFast with Soldier Front 2.

Okay so, the first thing you need to do is download and install WTFast. The link to where you can download WTFast for FREE is

WTFast Website

After downloading and installing WTFast, you need to run it and login as a Free Basic User. You don't need an account to use WTFast for FREE.

WTFast Login

Wait for WTFast to finish loading and on the main screen simply type Soldier Front 2 in the Game Field. A drop down menu will appear and choose Soldier Front 2 from the list of available games.

Under Network, keep it at Auto Select Best Connection Route to let WTFast choose the best connection for you. After that click on the Play button to launch Soldier Front 2 using WTFast.

Now, if Soldier Front 2 didn't launch automatically then simply start it manually without disconnecting WTFast and WTFast will automatically detect it.

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