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Trove Open Beta Is Here

Get your blocks on ready because Trove is now in Open Beta and that means anyone can now play the game as much as they like. The game is also free-to-play and that means it will not cost you any money to play it.

Trove Open Beta Is Here

Trove is somewhat similar to Minecraft but it's not an exact clone or duplicate. The game will let you build things in the game. You'll also get to explore the world and go into numerous fun and crazy adventures.

I got Trove when it was still in Close Beta but I never got a chance to play it. It looks very interesting and I kinda like games where players are allowed to build things like Second Life and Landmark.

Now that Trove is in Open Beta, I'm somewhat looking forward to playing it. Will I like or enjoy playing it? I have to play it first to find out. LOL!

Anyway, if you are reading this post and want to learn more about Trove then here is the link to Trove's official website,

That's it for this blog post about Trove and if you wish to be updated when new blog posts about Trove are posted in this blog then simply follow me in Twitter,, or in Tsu,, or in Facebook,

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