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Andyroid WiFi Connection Problem - Andy The Android Emulator

Andyroid WiFi Problem, here is how I fixed my WiFi connection problem with Andy The Android Emulator.

Andyroid WiFi Connection Problem - Andy The Android Emulator

Recently, I installed Andy The Android Emulator or simply Andyroid because I wanted to play my favorite Android Games on my desktop computer but I encountered a problem.

The problem was with Andyroid's WiFi connection. It was turned on and connected to the virtual machine but it wasn't letting me connect to the internet.

I spent almost an entire day searching the internet for a solution. Unfortunately, most of them didn't work for me but I did find one that worked and I found it posted at the Andy Support Group in Facebook.

The solution was very simple, it involved changing the Network setting of Adapter 2 from NAT to Bridged Adapter. If you're confused like me then just take a look at this screenshot.

After changing it to Bridged Adapter, I restarted Andy and its WiFi connection finally worked. I was able to access Google Play and download all the games I want to play.

Guys, this solution worked for me but I can't guarantee that it will work for you. You can try it but please don't get mad at me if it didn't work for you.

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